簡單創提供創業路上的辦公室出租、商標登記、公司註冊、官網建置服務。 創業第一站-簡單創
Taidah Entrepreneurship Center (TEC) is a platform which is dedicated to accelerator/incubator programs and building up a strong ecosystem for startups. In order to help startups validate quickly and effectively, we started TEC Accelerator program in August, 2017. After running for 2 batches, we launched the first batch of Vertical Accelerator Program in October, 2018. By joining the Vertical Accelerator, startups will receive resource and consultation not only from experienced experts, but also from cooperates which know the market best.
簡單創提供創業路上的辦公室出租、商標登記、公司註冊、官網建置服務。 創業第一站-簡單創
台大創創中心致力於經營新創加速器、孵化器及建構完整的創業生態。台大創創加速器於2017年8月啟動,並於2018年10月推出首屆台大創創x企業垂直加速器,與多家不同領域之企業合作,進駐團隊可獲得企業提供之資源協助以加速市場驗證。 持續這股能量,我們於2019年1月開放新一期的加速器申請,提供更豐富資源等您一起來挖掘! 詳情見官網:https://tec.ntu.edu.tw/