JTL Co-working Center

  •  香港觀塘海濱道135號宏基資本大廈7樓
  •   132
JTL Center 擁有現代簡約的工業風格,設有私人辦公室和會議室,同時提供多功能活動專區及共享辦公室,展現出寬敞而實用的商務環境,為員工營造舒適的辦公氛圍。除了傳統辦公空間外,中心更配有特色元素,加入設計精美的太空艙休息室及玩味十足的遊戲室,集聚創科,商務,娛樂多元化要素,打造出專業創新的工作空間。 JTL Co-working Center是德禧區塊鏈基金的落地專案之一 (JTL Co-working Center是360及盛大的私有化PE之一)。中心座落于位於觀塘繞海濱道旁區-宏基資本大廈7樓全層, 附近設有東九龍新地標。啟德郵輪碼頭和海濱公園, 距離牛頭角港鐵站僅六分鐘步程, 六至八分鐘即能步低觀塘道沿路巴士站,前往香港國際機場或皇崗口岸均十分便捷。 JTL offers co-working spaces, one-stop office service and an amazing community for entrepreneurs and startups to communicate in technology and innovation, who are in the areas of cryptocurrency, AI and blockchain. As a smart region, JTL creates a supportive, collaborative and vibrant ecosystem for tech pioneers to grow and bring innovation happenings in the future. JTL Co-working Center is one of the signature projects of MCG Blcfund. JTL is located in 7/F of Rykadan Capital Tower, surrounded by exquisite harbor scenery and Kai Tak Cruise terminal, a new landmark of East Kowloon. JTL is just 6 minutes away from MTR and airport shuttle bus station, benefiting busy clients who need to constantly travel.