Davy Hsu


** "我們希望任何人都可以透過玩遊戲找到值得交心的朋友!" 「織心蓬」團隊想透過簡短的遊戲,讓玩家快速辨別適合成為朋友的人,體驗分想、聆聽、玩遊戲的樂趣。在活絡的遊戲和無成見的交流中,你會發現大家的興趣、工作百百種,希望藉此也可以激發你創新的思想。 “We hope people can create meaningful friendships while playing games!" The founding team at CentralHut aims to connect people through games, incorporating elements of deep listening & personal sharing. Through conversations during games, we hope players will learn new things about each other and spark new ideas while creating long-lasting friendships.


Curiosity, business model & financial analysis

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