Thinkaholic Co-working Space 想+立刻 共享工作間

  •  香港銅鑼灣駱克道491至499號 京都商業中心21樓B
  •   229
周星馳話:「人沒有理想,同條鹹魚有什麼分別?」但我們加多一句:「齋諗唔做,同條鹹魚一樣冇分別!」所以與其空想,不如立刻 ─ 立刻去把理想付之於行動,起動大家的創業計劃! Stephen Chow said "if we don't have any dream and goal, we'll be like a salted fish". But we'd rather say, "if we only dream and never act, it's just the same as a salted fish!" So, if we have good ideas, why don't we start our own ventures and realize our dreams? 「想 + 立刻」,她是一所共享工作空間,把傳統的三種工作模式 (家居,辦公室,咖啡店) 結合為一: Thinkaholic is a serviced co-working space, a perfect combination of the three traditional styles of working - home, office and coffee shop: